
Glimpse is an app designed to help users monitor their stress levels and general well-being to avoid burnout. It enables users to track their moods and visualize where they are balancing their time, learn various coping strategies, and build resiliency to chaotic environments.  

Project Overview
As a part of the full-time UX Design Bootcamp with BrainStation, I completed a 2 week case study. This is a case study of my process to create Glimpse.
  1. How Glimpse Works
  2. How I Discovered The Problem to Solve For
  3. Ideating A Solution
  4. Making Sure it Works With User Testing
  5. Reflecting On What I Learned
Individually Guided Case Study
2 weeks
1-Week Sprints
Figma, InVision, Photoshop, Indesign
Research, UX|UI Designer
Design Methodology
How Glimpse Works


your wellness balance


how you feel and document your moods

Take a Break

make time for your


what works for you


to be the best you

Complete & Repeat

feel your best

a Glimpse into wellness

Creating Glimpse


Understanding the Problem Space
The American Institute of Stress reports 120,000 people die every year as a direct result of work-related stress. According to Rajita Sinh, PhD and director of Yale Medicines Interdisciplinary Stress Center, "People experiencing chronic stress might feel incapable of changing their situations."
User Interviews
I interviewed past and present professionals who had experienced high levels of stress and burnout. I created a script and performed person-to-person interviews.

I found that young professionals will ignore their stress symptoms until those symptoms take over their well-being. The professionals I interviewed wanted to do great jobs and build their careers however, they began to feel frustrated when they lost control of their sense of self as their stress started to disrupt their lives at work and outside of it.
" I was getting really overwhelmed and I was constantly stressed. I started crying ever day so that's when I noticed something was wrong.

" I'm usually a person that cares a lot about my work and the things I do. I make sure everything's great. There was a time when I just stopped caring so much.
" I feel like it doesn't get any better. I take two days off and I come back to work and it's like five minutes into the job, I'm already back to where I left before I took the break.
Loss of Self
Professionals experiencing stress feel as if they have lost their sense of self. They often feel overwhelmed and out of control, losing interest and excitement in their daily roles.

Empathizing with my key users revealed the problem I needed to solve for.
Adding Value
How might we help professionals experiencing high stress and burnout navigate their symptoms to regain control in their everyday lives and build resiliency to chaotic environments?

User Centered Design

Meet Marty
A young Architect dedicated to making an impact at his firm. Lately he has been experiencing a heavier work load and has been unable to fully disconnect and to the things he loves to recharge. He spends his days in a fog and is frustrated with his mood and energy levels. He is unsure how to find his way back to wellness.

After empathizing with the key users and analyzing the data, I began to Define. I created a user persona based on my key findings and insights above. This persona lead my design intentions.

Creating a Solution

Brainstorming with Epics & User Stories
Creating epics and user stories to define the most impactful task flow was the first step in defining my solution. My task flow revealed the pages I needed to include and design to bring my solution to life.

The chosen epic, Manage Stress was the strongest epic with the most value. Based on this epic and it's user stories, I pursued the task of mood tracking to enable the user to better understand their feelings and overall wellness to manage their stress and learn coping mechanisms.
Chosen Epic
User Story
Manage Stress
As a busy professional I want to track my moods so that I can practice coping mechanisms.

How Usable is it?

Iterative Validation
Utilizing my wireframes for user testing I found...

• My participants were unsure how to submit a mood entry
• They would like to see more descriptive text
• Most were unsure if the task was completed at the last screen
• Thought that the profile image was too dominant on the pages that were not    the dashboard

As one does, I took a step back to refine my design based on my testing feedback.
Prototyping a Lo-Fi for User Testing
Screen 1
Screen 2
Screen 3
Screen 4
Screen 5
Screen 6
Track Mood
Cope Prompt & Calendar
Coping Selection
Coping Practice
Completed Screen

Key Screens

Helping users to manage their stress through mood tracking, visualization, and coping mechanisms to enable them to regain control in their everyday lives and build resiliency to chaotic environments.


What could I have done better?
Being wellness focused,  I would like to consider the integration of apple health data and the utilization of smart technology like the apple watch. I think it would be a great asset to the Glimpse app to use notifications based on heart rate or lack of movement taken by the watch (long days at the desk) to prompt the user to take a break and consider a coping mechanism. I would also like to engage more with the logged health data. I think the UX of that aspect is crucial to the help the user to make more impactful changes to their lifestyles.
My key take-aways
Something I would’ve liked to improve on in this project would be further defining the scope of the product in which a user seeks to search coping mechanisms. There are many negative health repercussions from stress and it is important to pinpoint the areas users are suffering in to better provide and design coping mechanisms for users’ specific needs in healing and wellness.